While all the people are aqual in term of having rights, they aren’t equal in term of using rights. For the person to be able to use the rights on his own, he must have reached a certain maturity. The person who has reached this level of maturity possesses the right to use civil rights. This is called “capacity to act” in terms of civil law. There is a set of rules for a person to aquire the capacity to act.
Although all real person own capacity to havre rights, not everbody has the capacity to act, only the person who have the conditions that law looks for.
If a person has the capacity to act, he has the capacity of legal transaction, capacity of wrongful act and capacity to sue.
“The person who posseses tha capacity to act, can aquire rights with his own actions and incur a debt.” (Civil code art 9) “Every mature person that has the power the distinguish and that is not limited has the capacity to act.” (Civil code art 10) as per this article, the existence of capacity to act is due to three conditiosn :
In this case, capacity to act has three conditions two of which are positive, one of whis is negative. The positive conditions are to have the power to distinguish, to be mature , negative conditions is not to be limited.
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